What is art?

What is art?

What is art? In this page we'll try to understand the differente interpretation and then discuss about it.

What’s art?

I’m a 3D artist, and for so long I just created images without having a goal or thinking about why I was creating this type of object instead of another. So now I’m here to learn and reflect on the topic “What is art?”

I think we can start our research in the definition:

a diverse range of human activity, and resulting product, that involves creative or imaginative talent expressive of technical proficiency, beauty, emotional power, or conceptual ideas.

Ways of doing art

This definition is something that constantly changes because the culture, the historical background, and even the artist alive in that specific period influence our perception of art. So we can have a lot of different expressions of it.Now how can we now define this abstract concept?

What was?

I think a good idea is to start from the interpretation of the past and then try to learn all this aspects toghether.

An instrument

We can start by the Middle Age with Giotto a great artist who tried to create prospective in his works. Now from this period until the inventio of photography (1822) the art was an instrument used by people to try to recreate the reality.

The crisis

The artist has a breakdown: a photograph can replace them, and a photograph actually took less time than an artist to create a portrait. As a result, art had to transform itself into an instrument used to communicate and express something. Obviously, painters and other graphic artists tried before to express something; for example, Romanticism tried to express the sublime, but after the invention of photography, the art slowly shifted from a job to something more creative, like poetry. In the following articles, I will try to delve deeper into the specifics of art interpretation.


The meaning of art itself changes every generation because our perceptions of things changes. Nowadays this differences are more present because we live in a new model of society where different cultures can cooperate and interct without any problem. This new vision became relative so it’s really difficult to find a definition that everyone would agree on.

To conclude, these differences are something we need to try to understand. As an artist, I really asked myself for a long time what art was, and I was shocked at how I wasn’t able to respond. After a long period of thinking, I understood that for me, art was a way to express a vision of yours, a thought, or a feeling, but without any other goal than the simple expression of yourself.

Other followers of mine answer this question and asked me to be expressed:

For me art is the human itself, is capability to do all the things he can do” (instagram @gabri_favole)

“For me art is a way to express a talent or something that you like to do” (instagram @lucatealdii)

I hope that you really liked this article and I hope to have more interpretation of art from you guys. The comment section is ready for your discussion and I would really like to listen to your ideas.


Here are the sites I used to learn all these information about art:

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