Color psychology:green

Color psychology:green

Before reading about the effect of the color green on our minds, I suggest that new readers start their journey by clicking here.

Color psychology is a comlex topic, in this article we'll talk about the effect of the color green.

Positive correlation:

  • Calm
  • Natural
  • Optimism
  • Fertility
  • Creativity

Negative correlation:

  • Envy
  • Sickness
  • Greed

Green,color of nature and fertility

The color green is a short-wavelength hue, in color psychology, tints with a short wavelength are considered relazing or cool hues.The chilly tones like blue (we talked about this color here) or green impact our stress level and creativity.In fact, studies show that rooms painted with these hues can increase the creativity of the people who work inside them.

The effect of relaxation is strengthened by the connection between green and nature. We aready talkd about this correaltion in the last article about the use of secondary color on superhero costumes (click here to read it).

The ancient cultures connected the idea of nature with the idea of fertility.This correlation caused green to become a symbol of those aspects too.

The color green is usually symbol of nature and fertility.

Color of optimism?

Even the most cheerful color hide his own dark side. Althought studies shows that a green enviroment is associated with a positive thinking, the darkest hues are generally symbols of negative attitudes. Greed and envy hide in the darkest tint of green. Even disgust for the correlation with vegetables like broccoli. In the film “Inside out” the character that represent disgust is green. In addition green is saw as a factor of sickness.

The character of "Inside out" is a great example of how the color green have different bad correaltion.
Image from PNGegg

Green and badk luckin hystory

Actors sometimes view the color green as unfortunate since the French playwright and actor Molière died while wearing a green costume. 

Even so, there may have been a valid reason to look green darkly in Victorian times due to the usage of arsenic in popular green fabrics and wallpaper, which resulted in several unhappy deaths.

So the connection between green and bad luck have a really long story.

The color green is usually a symbol of sicknes and even more, click here to learn more about it.
Image from PNGegg

As usual, writing this article took a lot of time and effort. Please consider supporting me by accepting the cookies (necessary for the ads) and by following me on Instagram (@skollmunity). Thank you to all.

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