Effect of color blue on our mind

Effect of color blue on our mind

We continue the journey in the color psychology with the color blue. (if you’re new I suggest you to start your journey with the article about color psychology by clicking here).

We continue the journey in the color psichology with the color blue.

Effect of color blue on our mind

As other hues the blue have different effects on us:

  • Loyalty
  • Peace and calmness
  • Passivity
  • Depression or melanchony
  • un-appetizing
  • trust

The blue is another strange hue (as the red click here for more) because the research shows that this peculiar hue is the most liked all over the world. This hue have different effects dependently by the specific values of brightness and darkness of the color. In this case we’ll try to take the most general cases.

Blue in nature

All colors have an impact on our minds due to our instincts, as we stated in the article about color temperature (click here to read it). 

The shift in hue is a characteristic of the many natural events. 

The color blue has a significant influence in this scenario since it covers the sky, sea. In wild life, blue is also used as the primary indicator of a water survey in the natural world. 

The relationship between serenity and blue is mostly due to this association between blue and water.

Blue, the color of loyalty and trustworthy

The color blue is frequently associated with originality and trustworthiness.

For instance Blue is a common hue for police enforcement uniforms.

This wasn’t a random choice; it was made mostly because our brain interprets this color as a mark of reliability and authority.

Industries that employ blue to give a more secure impression of the brand also use this trick.

Blue and feelings

The context play a fondamental role in the perception we have of different hues. Filmaker knows well this is why in film we see different palette of color for the general shading. Blue in film is usually used to represent these feelings:

  • Cold
  • Depression
  • Loyalty
  • Peace
  • Passivity
  • Calm

Since it is a cold color, darker colours can assist create the impression of cold temperature; in contrast, brighter hues can help create the impression of passivity and quiet.

Blue is also the hue of melancholy and sadness. We know this for a variety of reasons, including the fact that tears are formed of water, and that our minds associate the color blue with water. 

Even the phrase “I’m feeling blue” refers to a gloomy mood.

In the end, blue suppresses our hunger in the exact opposite way that red does.

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For more information here my tree link and all the source I used to write this article:

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