Purple: psychology and symbolism

Purple: psychology and symbolism

Purple symbolism and

psychological effects

As usual, if you’re a new reader here, I suggest you read our article about color psychology.

Now we can start. One of the main characteristics of purple is the coexistence of blue and red in this secondary color.


  • Creativity
  • Emotionality
  • Enlightenment
  • Femininity
  • Imagination
  • Royalty
  • Spiritualit

Royalty and power

The history behind this color is pretty long. In ancient Egypt, this tint was produced through the use of marine shells.For this reason, the production of purple clothes was really long and expensive. Similarly european kings used this color to represent power .Behind this story, the presence of this tint gives the idea of power and wealth, similar to the idea of fashion given by the color black (we talked about it here).

In addition, the difficulty of producing it and the rarity of this hue in nature gave a sense of rarity to the color.

Purple: color of magic

Despite the idea of power and royalty, this color is a symbol of magic and spirituality too. The extreme rarity of this color in nature made people in the past think about it as a spiritual or magical power.

This unnatural power often connect this color to the more cool and chill tones of blue,giving the idea of unnatural and spirituality.Even here hystory help by the clothes of priest and religious people.

In addition the color purple usually represent a source of imagination and enlighment.

Purple in film

Now we shift our focus on the idea that this color gave in the cinema indistry.

Usually this color assosiate with mystical and fantasy enviroment along with the idea of royalty and power.

In film industry in particolar the use of different tint of purple can change the perception of the viewers.

For example a lighter tint can gave a more cheerful and spiritual idea, instead darker tones can cover with mistery the scenes.

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And here are the sources used to write this article: