Can Ai art generator actually create art?

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Ai and art

Can AI art generators create art?

That’s a really good question that the artist has started to ask with the progression of this ai cart generator. 

It’s not the first time that art has experienced a serious crisis brought on by tools that can complete tasks more quickly and occasionally even better. 

Every kind of artist across history has struggled to figure out a way to “fight” against these ai art generator. 

As per usual, I like to break down the scenario piece by piece before offering my own judgment.

Art, what is it?

The first question to ask is: What is art, precisely? 

Because if I don’t understand what I’m speaking over, how then can I judge if a computer could produce art?

I’ll stick with the verdict from my last essay on this topic (if you haven’t readed it before click here). 

After much intricacy, I concluded the piece with the following definition of art:

“art is a way to express a vision of yours, a thought, or a feeling, but without any other goal than the simple expression of yourself.

What are AI art generators?

Then we have to ask: What is an art generator? The definition given is this:

“Artificial intelligence art is any artwork, particularly images and musical compositions, created through the use of artificial intelligence (AI) programs, such as text-to-image models and musical generators.”

Can a computer really create art?

Since art is a very broad concept, whenever we use the word we run the risk of only discussing a small portion of it, so I’ll emphasize that I’m referring to visual art here. 

Now, as a 3D artist, I often use a variety of instruments to aid me in my work:

  • Photoshop
  • 3D models
  • filter
  • render farm
  • photo editing software in general

So, in my opinion, AI art generators are simply a tool that artists may utilize to generate concepts, receive assistance, or improve their design of the artwork  they’re going to create. 

Nothing more than a simple tool, similar to a compass but with greater capabilities. 

If we properly apply my concept of art, then AI art generators, in my opinion, don’t actually convey anything because they lack a genuine creative impulse. 

They primarily replicate and combine the techniques of other artists, which is what we typically do, but our modifications incorporate elements of our own spirit, making them unique. 

What do you think of it?

Tell me in the comment section.

If you want to learn more about the argument discussed, here are some links: