Special color

During the last articles we talked about the color theory (if you didn’t read it click here) in this we’ll talk about special type of hues.

A great example of achromatic color design, did you know what's an achromatic color? Click here and discorver it.

Special color

Achromatic colors

What’s that?

White, grey, and black are examples of achromatic colors. 

Any tint that even somewhat resembles a hue is chromatic. 

These hues are capable to dull the colour of chromatic colors because of their unique quality.

How to use them in art

The achromatic hues are used by artist to change the hue of colors. Pratically the white can “enlight” the hue instead grey or black produce a shade.

The more black added, the darker the shade becomes, while the more white added, the more “milky” the hue becomes.

Depending on the technology we choose to employ, we have numerous options for changing the saturation level. 

The computer will take care of the rest of the process for digital artists, such as choosing the right level.

Painters use this approach to combine and create the right color hue for their artwork.

Warm and cool color

What are they?

Orange, red, yellow, and chromatic combinations of these and related hues are examples of warm hues. 

They tend to conjure images of heat, such as sunlight and hot temperature as their name suggests.

Instead, cool color are generally green,purple and blue. They tend to gave an idea of realxing and cold temepratures.

Here I put some example so you can understand more:

Good example of a designd with wamr color. Hue that express a hot temeprature, usually red yellow and orange.
Warm color
An example of a design that uses cold color, so hue that express tranquillity and usally are blue,purple and green.
Cool color

Hue temperature is a really challenging notion to understand. 

Certain blue hues can be warm, and there are red hues that can be cool. 

This unusual idea is conceivable because, for instance, the color red can convey a colder temperature.

Image taken from here

How to use them

In order to convey a mood, artists frequently use warm and cool colors. 

Understanding the variations in chromatic temperature can occasionally aid in producing an image with a more pleasing contrast.

The image to the right is a great illustration of this technique: in this instance, the AI (yeah, I know what many people will think about it, but I already talk about it here) used the cool hue to give more of this idea of a cold temperature, while the red helped to understand the time of day and help to understand the heat of the Sun.

The idea of temperature is usally used to express a mood in the design. We’ll talk more abouto this in the next article so stay tooned.

To write I had to study a lot so here all the webistes where I studied: